Community Preparedness Outreach
We offer a variety of community preparedness classes at community events and health fairs.
Our community preparedness trainers provide training to individuals or in group settings.
Our signature class is the Community Preparedness & You class which covers individual, family and community preparedness information to assess your readiness for a disaster or disruption in your life.
Contact us to participate in your community event or if you are interested in scheduling a class.
Medical Operations
Our members serve by offering their specific medical skills and provide care in a variety of ways.
During a disaster or emergency, MRC members provide first aid at shelters or points of dispensing (POD) sites, staff shelters or PODs in other capacities and they could also initiate triage or casualty collection points if they are on site when disaster strikes.
We practice these skills during community events such as offering to staff first aid booths. We also collaborate with and exercise these skills with our response partners in the community.
Community Inclusion
Through our community inclusion program we focus on individuals with Access & Functional Needs (AFN).
The United Nations reports that people with access and functional needs are two to four times likely to die as a result of a natural disaster.
We offer training and resources that specifically address those with access and functional needs so that they are prepared for disasters and emergencies.
The strength of our communities lies in the diversity. Our MRC promotes the dignity of individuals and groups and promotes positive interaction with everyone. Our MRC strives to reach out and include individuals and groups who represent the richness of Colorado’s communities.
Youth Programming
Youth are our future!
We invite youth from grades 9 through 12 to participate in emergency planning through engaging on our Facebook page, signing up for youth based events and giving us feedback on how they want to help their community be prepared.
We invite college students to check in with us to create a work plan for internships or volunteer for leadership roles within our organization.
Mission Ready Package (MRP)
What is an MRP?
Our MRC has taken the lead in building volunteer-based Mission Ready Packages (MRPs) for Colorado emergency managers to use as a resource during emergencies and disasters.
There are two ways to get involved in this program:
Teach – We need people to teach the various skills necessary to ensure volunteers are competent and confident in the skills needed to be assigned to an MRP
Volunteer – MRPs are designed for volunteers that want to serve by deploying to do a specific mission or task. You don’t have to be a member of the Rocky Mountain MRC to be a volunteer on an MRP.
Donate using PayPal
Donate to the Rocky Mountain MRC through PayPal today.
Support Rocky Mountain MRC
Support Rocky Mountain Medical Reserve Corps of Colorado when you shop at